1.) CrossFat
The feeling one experiences due to a lack of CrossFit.
2.) CrossFitty
When one feels like CrossFitting, but maybe just a little bit. (See also: CrossFittish)
Not to be confused with CrossFiddy:
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3.) CrossShit
A pre- and post-WOD sensation many athletes experience due to anxiety, heavy breathing, too much jumping, and/or trying to hold in a CrossFart for the duration of the workout.
4.) CrossTwit/CrossIdiot
A derogatory name given to athletes by anti-CrossFitters who most undoubtedly also do things like wear fanny packs when they work out.
5.) CrossSpit
An involuntary side effect of heavy lifting, particularly cleans.
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6.) FitCross
A group of religious persons with a love of high-intensity workouts.
7.) CrossFitFam
The group of persons you become close friends with while cultivating muscles and becoming sweaty.
8.) CrossSplit
The exact moment the seam down the back of your pants rips due to a deep squat and an unconventionally rotund posterior.
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-- The NoMA