#1 You'll have a two-week span where you add ten pounds to your clean. Wahoo! The week immediately following, you'll suck harder than you've ever sucked before. Everyone goes through their slumps.
#2 Whatever method you think you've perfected for avoiding wedgies, no.
#3 Farting doing GHD sit-ups: Don't judge.
#4 You're super lucky when your gym friends become your gym family.
Post by Sherry Matheny.
Labor Day WOD! |
#5 You're super duper lucky when your partner shows up to every competition to cheer you on (and you even compete together)! Double bonus!
Kingman CrossFit Barbell Mayhem |
Post by Kingman CrossFit.
#6 Another reason you're friggin' lucky as heck? Your amazing coaches regularly point out your awesomeness, just to be encouraging. (Go, Brit!)
#7 Now's a good time to stop arguing with the haters. You're too busy backsquatting 300 pounds anyway.
#8 Passing out face down on the floor after a grueling WOD absolutely counts as a really long burpee.
#9 You lift a lot. You gained some weight. Don't panic. More muscle = more PRs! Yeah!
#10 On that note, it's ok to eat more, because your body might need it, and healthy comes in different shapes and sizes.
What did this year teach you?
- The NoMA